2FA for Alumni

2FA is now part of "best available techniques" and is also to be implemented across the board at TU Graz.
The use of ID Austria has been possible for some time, TU Graz's own 2FA solution is available for alumni since the end of November 2023, and from March 25, 2024 the use of one of the two variants (ID Austria or 2FA) is mandatory.

Problems with logging in

On the 2FA alumni support page you will find information on who to contact.

ID Austria

All Austrian citizens and all foreign citizens with a regular residence in Austria can apply for ID Austria and use it with the "Digitales Amt" app or approved FIDO2 tokens.

The following steps describe the use of ID Austria with "Digitales Amt" app as a 2FA alternative at TU Graz.

If you want to log in to a system connected to the TU Graz SSO (e. g. webmail), you will be connected to our SSO login page:

Then click on the link "ID Austria"

You will be redirected to a login page at eid.oesterreich.gv.at:

Select "ID Austria login" and you will be taken to a page where you can enter either your ID Austria user name (not the TU Graz user name!) or your telephone number registered for ID Austria and the ID Austria password (Signature password):

If the entry was correct, you will be shown a reference value

and must sign ("Unterschreiben") the login attempt in the "Digitales Amt" app (available in German only) in the login area ("Anmelden") or if you are already logged in you find it in "Profil" → "Offene Signaturen" after checking the reference value (see in the images above ↑ and below ↓):

If the login process was successful, you will now be redirected to the system you wanted to log in to.

Tips for secure use.

Additional benefits

If you log in with the ID Austria, you will generally no longer need your password for TU Graz, but if you do, you can reset the password in TUGRAZonline yourself at any time after logging in with the ID Austria.

No ID Austria possible

Foreign citizens without regular residence in Austria cannot apply for an ID Austria; these users then only have the usual 2FA solution of TU Graz as an alternative.