
Without this step you will have a token that generates codes, but this token is not verified and therefore the codes (OTPs) will not work!

  1. The app will now display a 6 digit number (code). If you are running out of time (see in the circle on the right), wait a few seconds for the next code:


  2. Enter this number in the confirmation field on the privacyIDEA website


    click Verify Token.

The 2FA is now activated for you and you can log out and close the privacyIDEA website.

Important: The registration code is no longer valid after the 2FA activation and cannot be used again.
It can take up to one hour for our systems to activate the 2nd factor, but you can test on the privacyIDEA website if your 2nd factor works by logging in with username and 2nd factor.

We strongly advise you to activate a 2nd token on another device immediately, so that you can activate a token on your new cell phone again, e.g. in case of a defect of your cell phone.

And follow the description you just read.