Initial Activation of 2FA on a Mobile Device

Take a look at the video (3 minutes), too: Video

If you are not sure, ask someone who has already performed this process to assist you.

You will need an authenticator app to set up a token on your mobile phone; please install this before starting the activation process.
We recommend the privacyIDEA Authenticator from Netknights, but you can also use the Google or Microsoft Authenticator etc.

Please read through these instructions before you start the activation and don't forget about the last step, the verification!

Activation of the first token

  1. On your computer, open the privacyIDEA website of TU Graz.
  2. Enter the following:
    1. in the field TU Graz Username your TUGRAZonline username
    2. in the field Onetime-Password the registration code, which you have either received by email (external persons) or read out from TUGRAZonline (Account Status, staff members and students).

    Log In

  3. Click on Log In.
