External Accounts

If you also activate 2FA for all your "external accounts", as we strongly recommend that you have copies of the tokens so that you do not lock yourself out if you lose a token:
  • Some software tokens allow backups to be created (with Microsoft and Google this can also be done automatically via the accounts, but then of course the tokens are not only stored on the end device!) or copies, other installations allow the QR code to be used multiple times and can therefore also be stored - the QR code (or the associated "secret"/seed) must of course be stored securely in this case, because otherwise the 2FA loses its meaning.
  • The tokens can be exported from some applications so that they can be used in other applications:

Microsoft Authenticator

iOS / iPadOS
≡ (top left corner) → Settings → Activate iCloud backup (the connected account is displayed).

Connect the app to the same account on the new cell phone. Start the recovery.

If some accounts are already set up in the app on the 2nd device (e.g. from an older backup), delete these first:

First remove synchronization from the main account:
≡ (top left corner) → Settings → Synchronize account → End synchronization.

Then remove all accounts one by one:
Click on account → ⚙ (top right corner) → Remove account.

Google Authenticator

… (top right corner) → Export accounts → Next → Export.

Save the QR code that is displayed and then scan this QR code with the app on the new device.


⁝ (to the right of the 6-digit code) → Export token

Or (to export all tokens): ⁝ (top right corner) → Export tokens