2-Factor Authentication (2FA) Using Hardware Token

  • If you do not have a smartphone, a smartwatch or tablet, you can also use 2FA with the help of a hardware token.

  • Staff members of TU Graz can pick up hardware tokens at the ZID service point (Stremayrgasse 16) on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 08:00-16:00, upon presentation of a photo ID (employee ID or official photo ID).
    If you have a smartphone as a "business cell phone", you cannot get a free hardware token, but are obliged to use an app on your business cell phone to manage your tokens.
    If you want to buy a token, you can deposit the money at the main cash desk (OU Finance and Accounting) on Tuesdays or Thursdays, on Thursdays also at the ZID service point. (Regulated by the "Richtlinie zur Führung von Kassen".)

    Students and staff members of rentals can purchase hardware tokens at HTU's "Copyshop" in Strehmayrgasse 16.

  • The so-called pairing - i. e. the binding of the hardware token to you as a person - is set up by the IT Support at the ZID service point.